lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

The Shining

My favorite photo is not exactly a photo, it's a video frame, but i think it's equivalent. :D

The frame is from one of my favorites movies, "The Shining", directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1980, so if we have to attribute the photo to someone, he is the guilty. In the image, we can see a man showing his mad face through a broken door.

In this scene, the crazy father destroys a door with an axe, to capture his family, that were escaping scared. I remember that the first time i watch this movie, i freaked out with this scene, because the atmosphere of madness is very well done, i think it's the reason because it's my favorite picture.

"Here's Johnny" jajaja

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

My cat and his mustache

Two year ago (approximately on may), my brother Lucas, arrived home with a kitty that he met at the street, it seemed to be abandoned by his family, so we adopted it as our pet.
We called it Megan, as the famous actress Megan Fox, although i think that we should call it Stalin, as the Communist dictator of the URSS, because both of them have the same mustache (it is a funny and constant joke in my home with the people that met my cat for first time).
Some months after the arrive of this new integrant of our family, we noticed that it was putting in weight, so we carry it to the veterinarian, wich told us that our little kitty had became pregnant, and after a pair of months later, four little machines of cry and defecate.
After assure responsable families for the kittens, we operated Megan and untill now, there have been no problems.
I love my cat Megan, because is very welcoming and friendly, everytime that i arive home, she say me hello with a loud "Meooow!"